Kyle Howard - Lead Instructor / Owner

I’ve grown up around firearms my entire life, but for the last 11 years I’ve spent much of my time focused on intentional growth of my own skill-set related to pistols, carbine, precision rifle, medical, night vision and all things self defense. It is my deepest conviction there is no greater responsibility and obligation than to be as proficient with every tool I could need to use in the defense and service of others. As a well rounded protector I should have as many options and as much knowledge as possible to give everyone around me the greatest chance at solving any problem that comes our way.

Our courses and guest instructors bring decades of force-on-force vetted training.  Utilizing techniques pulled from Delta Force, 75th Ranger Regiment, Navy Seals, as well as local S.W.A.T. teams. 

Empire is all about training freedom.  Defensive situations are dynamic, fast, and require far more than just great firearm fundamentals.  We incorporate various tools and motivators to induce stress within our courses to help train and familiarize your cognitive functions to be able to process information quickly, efficiently, and accurately while maintaining proper firearms handling.  A flat range can teach you basics and how to shoot; however what is far more crucial is adrenaline control and the decisions you make before, during, and after the shoot that keep you alive. The absolute worst time to learn how to fight is when the real fight begins. Our mission is to equip everyone we teach with what they’ll need to survive real life encounters.

Since 2020, I’ve pushed as hard as the wallet will allow to grow my own skillset with as much formal firearms training as possible. As of June 2023, I’ve accumulated nearly 500 hours of formal firearms training from some of the best in the business and I have no intention of slowing down. All of this training is with the purpose of passing the torch to the next person so hopefully they get bit by the same training bug and press on into their own journey.